Dirty Pirate Boulder
On approach this boulder looks pretty fun and easy but that is not the case.
1. ***!V7
Bob's Fancy Foot Press A tricky, technical, high foot'n, crimpy, lowball, unrelenting pumpfest that looks easy at first glance. This problem is totally my style so everyone else might hate it. It has a pretty good landing and gets a flutter because of the awkward foot placement and fear of scraping off a nipple.
2. *V4
Dirty Pirate Hooker Stand start on the giant flake and using either monkey love or thuggery get to a slopey knob about a foot past the rail the work the dirty lichen covered rail out to the high point to top it out.
3. V?
Poacher's Pass From the underclings work up the rail and overhang, seems like cheating to use the boulder, but its still a projects with it on.
4. V1
Pearl Jam A grungy rail that I don't like very much. SDS on the lower crack then work it right to a dirty slab top out.